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Concept Presentation Feedback

After our concept presentation to Sage, we had lots of really positive feedback outlining the kinds of things that work really well and some of the things we might need to pay a bit more attention and time to, to get it right. Some of the negative feedback was expected for us, so we took it all on board and we're working really hard to make all the improvements we can for the next presentation.

The biggest point of feedback for us was that we should merge all of our concepts in to one. Luke said that they would all fit really well together as a full package. We liked this idea, and felt that it would work for our project. The first thing that popped in to our heads was that we needed to create a consistent style and replicate it across all of the apps.

Below is an image of the notes we made when we were getting general feedback as a class from Sage. It shows just some of the things we need to think about going forward.

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