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Research Insights

Payroll is mind-numbing to look at, time consuming to complete and there is little error prevention and validation. The above examples show some of the systems available now, and its no wonder they are dreaded by management of businesses, due to their form-like and cluttered appearance.


Communication between management and staff is essential, but often tricky due to multi platforms. It would make a lot more sense to offer a simple hub where everyone in the workforce is connected. This could be one on one conversations and private messaging, as well as a place for general work related topics, like a bulletin board.


Shift management has a massive demand, with live rotas and instant messaging. The issue we face is the concept of multiple rotas. It causes confusion and agitation for both management and staff. Both parties aren't sure which rota is the newest version, and after the time it takes management to create these, it often ends in arguments and fallouts.

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